Why You Need a Book Designer
Your book cover is your first impression to potential readers. The cover design not only communicates your book's genre but also highlights the tone of your story. Thus, creating a book cover design that captures readers' attention can help you generate book sales.
If you traditionally choose to publish your book through an agent and publisher, the publishing house will often use an in-house graphic designer to create your cover design. However, if you choose to self-publish your book, you must consider hiring a professional book designer. Our award-winner book designers are well-versed in all needed to create a book cover that appears professional and attracts readers. We can help you make the graphics and typography that best portray the style and content of your book.
Why Our Designers?
The goal of your book cover and inside layout is to catch the reader's attention and help them to interact more for long terms. Our team creates graphics and typography to make readers grab your book off the shelf. Your book design is a crucial visual for your book promotion. Understanding a book designer's role can help you have more target audiences.
What's the difference between a book cover designer and a book designer?
A book cover designer creates the graphics and layout for your book's cover, spine, and back cover. Book cover designers work on everything that relates specifically to your book's outside cover.
Book designers work on the entire physical appearance of your book. Our services include designing the interior of the book along with the exterior. As a result, book designers outline the font and layout of your book's text and choose the type of paper for your book. Depending on the setting of your book, different styles of paper may better fit your book's theme.
It's our job to make sure the physical appearance of your book reflects your story's theme so the reading experience can be as vivid as possible.