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Facebook Business Page Marketing Tips and Tricks

Facebook Business Page Tips and Tricks

Having a Facebook page for your business, the first thing you should know is that you need to create a business page. You cannot use your profile to promote your business or professional activity. So, Facebook will not allow you to use your profile for business promotion. When you make a personal profile, you are effectively signing a contract saying that you won’t use it for promotion or personal gain. As a result, If you break that contract, you could permanently lose all access to your account. Creating a business account is easy and it does not cost you. Just pay attention to all the 33 facebook business page marketing tips and tricks that we listed below: 

Facebook Business Page Marketing Tips and Tricks
  1. Create a business Page, not a personal profile.
  2. Make your Page’s vanity URL (like @eraserstudiousa).
  3. Design a great cover photo that shows your brand vision and mission.
  4. Make a recognizable profile picture, it is better to use your logo.
  5. Optimize your “About” section, especially short description.
  6. Earn the “Very responsive to messages” badge.
  7. Add milestones with eye-catching keywords.
  8. Make a call button or visit the website.
  9. Customize page tabs.
  10. Prioritize quality over quantity in your posts.
  11. Keep your brand identity design on all posts, stories, cover.
  12. Post at least three times a week. 
  13. Make story at least three times a week
  14. Post at the best times for your audience (you can check the best time in your Setting/insight.
  15. Share your website’s blog content on your page.
  16. Post your best visual content.
  17. Make sure your images are properly formatted and sized.
  18. Post videos
  19. Post live videos.
  20. Schedule posts in advance.
  21. Choose the right advertising tool.
  22. Test multiple versions of a single ad (A/B Testing).
  23. Make ads for a different group of the target audience
  24. Pay attention to special days (like Veteran Day and …)
  25. Use right hashtags
  26. Tag all brands and people that are in posts
  27. Ask your customer for review 
  28. Ask your workers to share your post.
  29. Share your post in related groups
  30. Put your Facebook page URL on your website
  31. Connect your Facebook page to other social media
  32. Activate your Facebook selling store
  33. Engage with you followers
Social Media Marketing by eraser studio